Sentence Examples

Examples of First Conditional Sentences

First Conditional Sentences: 50 Example Sentences

Conditional sentences are essential parts of the English language. They help us to talk about possibilities, and plans and even give advice. Among the four types of conditional sentences, the first conditional sentence is the most useful because it describes real and possible situations in the future. So, what is the first conditional? In short, […]

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Examples of Reflexive Pronouns

What is a Reflexive Pronoun? | 50 Examples of Reflexive Pronouns

You might have come across words like myself, yourself, or themselves before. These are examples of reflexive pronouns, and they serve a unique role in our sentences. So, what is a reflexive pronoun in English? In this lesson, we’ll unveil the definition of a reflexive pronoun and look at when and how to use reflexive

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100 Examples of Adjectives in Sentences

Adjectives are an important part of English because they help us describe people, places, things, and ideas in more detail. When you’re describing a “beautiful sunset” or a “delicious meal,” you’re using adjectives. Adjectives make our sentences more colorful and interesting. In this lesson, we’ll go over 100 examples of adjectives in sentences to help

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