1. What is subject-verb agreement?
2. Which sentence follows correct subject-verb agreement?
3. What verb should complete the sentence? "The book on the table ___ mine."
4. Identify the sentence with an incorrect subject-verb agreement.
5. Which subject-verb pair is correct?
6. "Neither of the students ___ late to class." Which verb fits best?
7. Which sentence correctly uses subject-verb agreement?
8. Which word determines the correct verb in a sentence?
9. Choose the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.
10. "The news ___ surprising." What verb should be used?
11. Which sentence has incorrect subject-verb agreement?
12. In which sentence is the subject singular?
13. "Each of the boys ___ a bicycle." Choose the correct verb.
14. Which sentence follows correct subject-verb agreement?
15. What happens if subject and verb do not agree?
16. "Ten dollars ___ enough to buy lunch." Choose the correct verb.
17. Which sentence is correct?
18. "Here ___ the books you requested." What verb fits best?
19. Which rule applies to compound subjects joined by "and"?
20. Choose the sentence with correct subject-verb agreement.