20 Phrasal Verbs For IELTS

20 Must-Know Phrasal Verbs for IELTS: Learn with Fun Examples

Are you preparing for the IELTS exam and feeling a bit overwhelmed with all the phrasal verbs? Don’t worry; we’ve got your back! In this article, we’ll introduce you to 20 essential phrasal verbs that will not only boost your IELTS score but also make you sound like a native speaker. Let’s dive in!

20 Phrasal Verbs for IELTS With Meanings and Examples

Let’s explore the 20 useful phrasal verbs for IELTS.

1. Turn up

Increase the volume or arrive unexpectedly

  • The students asked the teacher to turn up the music for the party.
  • He turned up at the meeting 30 minutes late.

2. Put off

Postpone or delay

  • They decided to put off the meeting until next week.
  • Don’t put off studying; start now!

3. Stand up for

Support or defend someone or something

  • She always stands up for her friends when they are facing challenges.
  • It’s essential to stand up for what you believe in, even if it’s difficult.

4. Run out of

Exhaust the supply of something

  • We ran out of milk, so I need to buy some more.
  • Be careful not to run out of time during the exam.

5. Get along with

Have a good relationship with someone

  • He gets along with his neighbors very well.
  • I find it easy to get along with my classmates.

6. Find out

Discover or obtain information

  • I need to find out the time of the movie screening.
  • The detective is trying to find out who committed the crime.

7. Take up

Start a hobby or activity

  • I decided to take up painting as a way to relax.
  • She took up a new job in a different city.

8. Get over

Recover from an illness or emotional distress

  • It took him some time to get over the flu.
  • She needs time to get over her recent breakup.

9. Break down

Stop functioning or lose emotional control

  • The car broke down on the way to the airport.
  • She broke down in tears after hearing the sad news.

10. Turn on

Activate or start a device

  • Can you please turn on the air conditioner? It’s hot in here.
  • He turned on the TV to watch the news.

11. Get on

Enter or board a vehicle or form of transportation

  • We got on the bus just in time.
  • It’s time to get on the plane; our flight is boarding.

12. Hold on

Wait or keep something firmly

  • Hold on a second; I need to grab my bag.
  • You need to hold on to the railing while climbing the stairs.

13. Come across

Find or encounter by chance

  • I came across an interesting article while browsing the internet.
  • He came across an old friend at the party.

14. Look up

Search for information in a reference source

  • If you don’t know the meaning of a word, look it up in the dictionary.
  • Let’s look up the train schedule before we go to the station.

15. Put up with

Tolerate or endure something unpleasant

  • She can’t put up with his constant complaining anymore.
  • I don’t know how he puts up with that noisy neighbor.

16. Get across

Successfully communicate or convey an idea

  • The teacher used examples to get the difficult concept across to the students.
  • It’s important to use clear language to get your message across in an interview.

17. Back up

Support or provide assistance

  • I’ll back you up during the presentation if you need help.
  • Always back up your important files to avoid losing data.

18. Show off

Display one’s abilities or possessions to impress others

  • He loves to show off his guitar skills in front of his friends.
  • She showed off her new designer handbag at the party.

19. Call off

Cancel an event or plan

  • Due to bad weather, they had to call off the outdoor concert.
  • The meeting was called off because of a scheduling conflict.

20. Settle down

Establish a stable and comfortable life

  • After traveling the world, she decided to settle down in a quiet town.
  • It’s time for him to settle down and focus on his career.

These 20 phrasal verbs will boost your English skills and impress the examiners during your IELTS test. Practice is key, so try using these phrasal verbs in your conversations, writing, and daily life. Good luck with your IELTS preparation, and keep shining brightly on your language-learning journey!

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