Last updated on March 19th, 2023 at 02:34 pm
Whenever you intend to learn English as a second language, you have to improve your vocabulary in English. One of the best ways to improve your English skills is to have a good command of vocabulary. A broad vocabulary provides you with a wide range of words and expressions, which can help you understand what other people are saying.
It also gives you more ways to express yourself when writing or speaking. When we read, we learn new words and other aspects of the language, such as grammar and sentence structure.
However, it can be difficult in some cases (e.g., if you don’t have time to read or if reading is enjoyable). But that doesn’t mean that your vocabulary should suffer!
How To Improve English Vocabulary
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Here are ten easy tips to improve your vocabulary in English:
1. Establish a reading routine
Everyone knows that reading is the best way to improve your vocabulary. The trick is finding a routine that works for you. Spend time reading outside class or with a friend, and make it a priority in your schedule.
Do you spend your lunch break on Facebook? Instead, take some time to read while you eat! If you have 10 minutes at home before bed, use that time to read instead of watching TV.
Keep track of the number of pages you read each day or week and see if you can gradually increase the number of pages over time.
2. Read often
Reading is one of the best ways to improve your vocabulary in English because it exposes you to new words and concepts. You can read the newspaper, magazines, blogs, books, or anything else that interests you. Reading is a great way to learn how native speakers use language.
To make reading more exciting for yourself, try reading fiction or non-fiction genres that are interesting to you. For example, try reading more about crime-solving if you enjoy mystery novels. You’ll find that your vocabulary increases as you read!
3. Use context to understand words
It’s’ important to understand the word’s context to understand its meaning. For example, if you read about a pirate who had just raided a merchant ship, you might read about loot. If you know what loot means from the context of this sentence, you know it means something stolen or taken by force.
So how can we learn words outside of context? We often encounter new words and phrases without knowing what they mean when reading for pleasure. Luckily, many resources are available to help us find the meaning of these tricky words in English.
One such resource is a dictionary (check out Merriam-Webster online). You can also use a dictionary to look up the definitions of words in your native language (e.g., French) to learn more words in English!
4. Memorize new words
A straightforward way to improve your vocabulary is to memorize new words. You can do this by making a list of 20 words you’d like to know and then learning them. You should be able to remember at least 15 – 20 of the words after a few days.
One of the simplest ways to improve your vocabulary is by memorizing new words daily. You can do this by looking up an English word in a dictionary, reading the definition, and noting down the word in your notebook. You can also use flashcards with the words you’ve learned.
5. Practice new vocabulary by using it in a sentence
One of the easiest ways to improve your vocabulary is by using it. If you want to learn a new word, then think of a sentence and try using the new word in it. For example: ”The storm made for a scary night”.
Try using some of the new vocabularies you learned in a sentence. For example, if you know what “astute” means, try describing someone as astute in the comment section below!
6. Write sentences with the new word
The best thing you can do to improve your vocabulary is to write sentences with the new word and see if you can understand it correctly. This helps expand your vocabulary because you learn what the word means in various contexts.
To improve your vocabulary in English, you need to practice. Practice writing sentences with the new word and see if you can understand it correctly. This will help you learn the meaning of the word and help you remember it more easily.
7. Keep an English-language journal
You can keep an English-language journal with examples of vocabulary usage and improvement tips. In this way, you will see your progress, which will motivate you to continue learning. For example, you might include the words and expressions you have learned from reading and add new ones in everyday life.
8. Consult a dictionary as needed
The English language is an ever-changing entity. New words are created, and others evolve, so it’s’ difficult to know the meaning of every word without doing some research.
For example, have you heard of “bae” or “basic”? If not, you should consult a dictionary as these words may be new to you. But don’t stop there!
Try checking the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) if a word isn’t in your lexicon; try checking the Oxford English Dictionary (OED). The OED has most words used for centuries and contains many newly coined words and variations.
9. Spend some time learning about the word’s origins and language of origin
Learning about the origins and language of a word can help us understand its use in English.
For example, learn about the Latin roots of words like ”segregate”, ”aggravate”, or ”prologue”. Learning how to spell these words will also help you improve your vocabulary in English.
Some people might think reading the dictionary is a waste of time because they can look up words on their phones. But there are many benefits to reading the dictionary that you won’t get from an online definition.
However, words come from somewhere; some have a more complicated etymology than others. Learning about the word’s origins can help you understand it better and remember it more easily.
10. Look up synonyms, antonyms
Synonyms are words that have the same or similar meanings to each other. They can replace a word to create variety in sentence structure and avoid repetition.
Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings, for example, big and small. They can be used to create variety in sentence structure and avoid repetition.
A dictionary is a great place to start when you learn new words. You can find synonyms, antonyms, and word definitions to broaden your vocabulary.
If a word is unfamiliar to you, it’s’ useful to research its meaning and linguistic roots. When you use this method, you’re also likely to discover other related words worth learning.

Azizul Hakim is the founder & CEO of He is a passionate writer, English instructor, and content creator. He has completed his graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature.