If you’re an English learner, learning declarative sentences is one of the most important aspects of mastering the language. Declarative sentences are sentences that make statements or express opinions.
They are the most common type of sentence in English, and you’ll hear them spoken by native speakers every day. In this article, we’ll cover the 20 most common declarative sentences in English.
20 Examples of Declarative Sentences in English
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Let’s dive into the 20 most common examples of declarative sentence in English.
1. I am hungry.
This sentence is used to express a feeling of hunger. You can use it to let someone know that you need to eat.
2. She is happy.
This sentence is used to express a feeling of happiness. You can use it to describe someone’s mood or emotional state.
3. He is tired.
This sentence is used to express a feeling of tiredness. You can use it to describe someone’s physical state.
4. They are married.
This sentence is used to express marital status. You can use it to describe a couple who have legally tied the knot.
5. You are beautiful.
This sentence is used to express admiration for someone’s physical appearance. You can use it to compliment someone.
6. We are excited.
This sentence is used to express a feeling of excitement. You can use it to describe a group’s emotional state.
7. It is raining.
This sentence is used to describe a weather condition. You can use it to let someone know that it’s currently raining outside.
8. The sky is blue.
This sentence is used to describe a color. You can use it to describe the color of the sky.
9. He likes pizza.
This sentence is used to express a preference for a certain type of food. You can use it to discuss someone’s favorite food.
10. She plays guitar.
This sentence is used to express a skill or talent. You can use it to describe someone’s ability to play an instrument.
11. They speak Spanish.
This sentence is used to express language proficiency. You can use it to describe someone’s ability to speak a language.
12. I live in New York.
This sentence is used to express a location. You can use it to describe where you currently reside.
13. He works at a bank.
This sentence is used to express a profession. You can use it to describe someone’s job.
14. She studies biology.
This sentence is used to express an area of study. You can use it to describe someone’s academic focus.
15. They are watching a movie.
This sentence is used to express an activity. You can use it to describe what someone is currently doing.
16. You need to study.
This sentence is used to express a need or requirement. You can use it to make a suggestion or give advice.
17. We have to go.
This sentence is used to express a need or requirement. You can use it to describe a necessary action.
18. It’s too hot.
This sentence is used to express a weather condition. You can use it to describe an uncomfortably high temperature.
19. The cat is sleeping.
This sentence is used to describe a current action. You can use it to describe what an animal or person is currently doing.
20. I love you.
This sentence is used to express love or affection. You can use it to express your feelings towards someone.
Final Thoughts
Learning these 20 declarative sentences is a great way to improve your English skills. By mastering these common sentences, you’ll be able to communicate effectively with native English speakers and express yourself more clearly. Keep practicing, and soon enough, you can construct your sentences in no time!

Azizul Hakim is the founder & CEO of englishfinders.com. He is a passionate writer, English instructor, and content creator. He has completed his graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature.