Last updated on April 2nd, 2023 at 02:30 pm
In this lesson, we’re going to discuss the 50 effective examples of the past perfect tense. The Past Perfect Tense is placed between the two past actions. The action that occurred earlier is called the Past Perfect Tense, and the later action is called simple past or past indefinite tense. It takes ‘had’ as its helping verb, and a past participle form is added after it.
50 Examples of Past Perfect Tense
Let’s see the 50 effective examples of the past perfect tense to clearly understand them.
- I had seen him before he left the city.
- You had read the story before your mother came.
- The woman had danced at the party before it started.
- He had talked on the phone before they went to bed.
- The girl had gone to school before her father woke up from sleep.
- He had bought a new car before he went to his office.
- His wife had cooked a meal before he arrived home.
- I performed the task after I had finished this one.
- We went to the party after we had talked about it.
- Adam had come before he finished the job.
- I finished my homework after I had finished this one.
- The girls sang the song together after they had practiced.
- I had not seen you before I met you.
- The students had attended school before they went on vacation.
- She had finished the task before he entered the room.
- The workers had completed the project before they went home.
- She had tried the dish before he tried it.
- We had done our project before we went to the party.
- We had lived in this city before we moved to the new house.
- He had worked for a year before he got promoted.
- She had read that book before she read another one.
- They had decided to go there before they changed their mind.
- I had not studied hard for my test before I failed it.
- We ate our dinner after she had arrived home from work.
- She had not seen that movie before she went to the theater.
- They had not done their homework before they went to bed.
- He had not taken a shower before he went to bed.
- We had seen the movie a few months ago before he saw it.
- They had played with him long before they became his friends.
- I had worked hard on my project before I got it approved.
- We had waited for her long before she arrived home.
- He had taken medicine before he recovered.
- She had tried to call him before she left her home.
- He had practiced the song before he played it at the concert.
- They had waited for him before they started their meeting.
- They had finished their work before they went on vacation.
- I had known about it before you told me about it.
- They had expected him there before he arrived.
- You had bought a new car before you sold your old one.
- I had concentrated on my engagement before I founded.
- He had assured his arrival before they left.
- I had read the story before he opened it.
- You had played well before he started playing.
- They had watched the program before I watched it.
- She had cooked the food before she learned the recipe.
- We had made the decision before he came.
- We had lived in this city before we moved to the new house.
- He had donated some food before he got his salary.
- She had read that book before she read another one.
- Had we done the project before she came?

Azizul Hakim is the founder & CEO of He is a passionate writer, English instructor, and content creator. He has completed his graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature.