Last updated on May 1st, 2022 at 11:33 am
- I love swimming.
- We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.
- Are you interested in learning English?
- Being a doctor is a gratifying career.
- Having a vacation is something everyone looks forward to.
- Listening to music is enjoyable for most people.
- We had fun swimming in the pool.
- We know healthy eating food is good for health.
- I’m trying to stop smoking cigarettes.
- She’s thinking of going to Italy for her vacation.
- Going out with friends is fun, but it can also be exhausting sometimes!
- Working hard is important if you want to succeed in life.
- Learning about new cultures and places is fascinating and enriching.
- Teaching others is a great way to share your knowledge and help others grow.
- Traveling to different countries is a great way to see the world and learn about new cultures.
- She’s used to being in trouble.
- I’m getting used to working late at night.
- They know starting a new business is profitable for them.
- We need to fix our leaking roof.
- I stopped drinking coffee last week.
- We’d better get going, or we’ll be late for our meeting.
- Are you looking forward to spending your vacation this year?
- He hates having to wear a tie to work.
- Do you enjoy going to parties?
- Are they considering moving to a new city?
- She’s used to getting her way.
- We need to start getting ready for our trip soon.
- Are you interested in learning a new language?
- She enjoys reading books.
- We’re looking forward to seeing you soon.
- He loves meeting new people.
- She’s thinking of going to Italy for her vacation.
- She’s used to being in trouble.
- I’m getting used to working late at night.
- Is she interested in going on the school trip?
- They’re considering moving to a new city soon.
- He is looking forward to finding a better job.
- I think you start learning a new lesson.
- I don’t mind working on weekends.
- Do you enjoy going to parties?
- He’s thinking of quitting his job soon.
- We regret canceling our trip to Japan, but we couldn’t afford it this year.
- We were excited about going on a cruise, but unfortunately, it didn’t work out this time around.
- He hates studying for exams, but he knows he needs to do it if he wants to get good grades.
- Unfortunately, I hate doing household chores, but it’s a necessary part of adult life!
- I’m excited about going on my first overseas trip next year and seeing new places.
- My mom loves cooking for us, but she hates doing grocery shopping because she finds it so dull.
- Writing essays is not my favorite task, but it is necessary for school.
- Speaking English is important if you want to be able to communicate with native speakers.
- Doing household chores can be tedious, but keeping a clean and orderly home is necessary.
- Are they considering moving to a new city?
- She’s used to getting her way.
- We need to start getting ready for our summer vacation.
- Are you interested in learning a new language?
- I’m looking forward to learning this lesson.
- Are you interested in learning English?
- I don’t mind doing the dishes.
- He loves meeting new people.
- Have you finished writing your essay yet?
- She’s thinking of going to Italy for her vacation.
- She’s used to being in trouble.
- I’m getting used to working late at night.
- We’re looking forward to hearing positive news from you.
- We need to fix our leaking roof.
- I stopped drinking coffee last week.
- They’re considering moving to a new city soon.
- We’d better get going, or we’ll be late for our meeting.
- I can’t stand being in traffic jams.
- He’s thinking of quitting his job soon.
- She’s used to getting her way.
- We need to start getting ready for our trip soon.
- They dedicate their time to learning.
- I notice him doing his homework.
- She doesn’t like sitting still.
- I hear them shouting at each other.
- We saw them packing their bags.
- I remember her telling me they were leaving.
- I was surprised when I saw her crying.
- He looks happy painting the picture.
- I know you love playing ludo with your friends.
- Learning a thing is always exciting.
- We saw him running in the street.
- Making this decision was challenging for me.
- They acknowledge that the baby is happy seeing his mother.
- He stopped driving the car.
- We were swamped cleaning our house.
- Driving a new bike is difficult for me.
- I control myself by eating unhealthy foods.
- Helping poor people is a good virtue.
- Do you start learning unknown vocabulary?
- He loves playing football with his childhood friends.
- I am used to waking up early in the morning.
- Are we fond of going to the beach?
- They are interested in getting a pet.
- I am looking forward to going on vacation soon.
- I love listening to music.
- He is good at solving math problems.
- I am used to living in the city.
- We are used to having a lot of homework.
- I don’t mind doing the laundry.

Azizul Hakim is the founder & CEO of He is a passionate writer, English instructor, and content creator. He has completed his graduation and post-graduation in English language and literature.