
Learn English grammar in modern and exceptional ways. Explore a lot of grammar lessons from here.

A Significant List of 100 Abstract Nouns with Other Forms

Abstract Nouns Today, we will mention the top 100 Abstract Nouns list with their other forms (verbs, adjectives, and adverbs) and examples. Sometimes...

9 Types of Adjectives | Definitions, and Examples

The Adjective is an exciting lesson in English grammar. Do you know why? Because it can modify the other words of the parts of speech or change the...

3 Types of Conjunctions | Definitions, and Examples

Conjunction plays a vital role in connecting one word to another word or one clause to another clause. Conjunction mainly combines two similar parts of speech...

Simple Sentences | Definition and Examples

Sometimes we express a normal thing by using the term ‘simple,’ such as “It’s a simple matter.” But many of us don’t know...

80 Most Useful Irregular Verbs List with V2, V3, and Examples

Irregular Verbs The English language has a lot of Irregular or Strong Verbs. Today, we will mention the 80 most common and valuable Irregular verbs listed in...

150 Most Useful Regular Verbs List with V2, V3, and Examples

Regular Verbs The English language has a lot of regular or weak verbs. Today, we will address the 150 most common and valuable regular verbs listed in English...
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