50 Fruit Names in English

50 Fruit Names in English with Pictures

Last updated on September 29th, 2024 at 06:29 pm

Are you an English learner looking to expand your vocabulary? As a beginner, you may start your vocabulary learning journey by memorizing different fruit names in English. In this lesson, we’ll be introducing you to 50 fruit names in English. So without wasting time, let’s dive in!

50 Fruit Names in English

Let’s see the 50 most common fruit names in English with pictures.

1. Apple

Apple fruit

A round fruit that is typically red, green, or yellow, with a crisp texture and sweet taste.

2. Banana

Banana fruit

A long, curved fruit with a soft, creamy inside and a yellow peel when ripe.

3. Orange

Orange fruit

A round citrus fruit with a tough, orange-colored skin and juicy, sweet-sour flavor inside.

4. Mango

Mango fruit

A tropical fruit with juicy, sweet, orange-yellow flesh and a large pit in the middle.

5. Grapes

Grapes fruit

Small, round fruits that grow in bunches and can be green, red, or purple. They’re sweet and juicy.

6. Pineapple

Pineapple fruit

A tropical fruit with a tough, spiky outer skin and sweet, yellow flesh inside.

7. Strawberry


A small, red fruit with tiny seeds on the outside and a sweet, juicy taste.

8. Watermelon


A large fruit with a green rind and sweet, watery red or pink flesh inside, perfect for summer!

9. Blueberry

A small, round, blue, or purple fruit that is sweet and often used in desserts.

10. Peach

A round fruit with fuzzy skin that can be orange, yellow, or red, and juicy, sweet flesh.

11. Pear

A sweet, bell-shaped fruit that can be green or yellow with a soft, juicy texture.

12. Plum


A small, round fruit with a smooth skin that can be red, purple, or yellow, and sweet or tart flesh.

13. Cherry

A small, round fruit that is typically red or purple, with a sweet or slightly tart taste.

14. Lemon

A bright yellow citrus fruit with a sour taste is often used to add flavor to food and drinks.

15. Lime

A small, green citrus fruit that has a sour flavor, similar to a lemon but more tangy.

16. Kiwi


A small, fuzzy brown fruit with bright green flesh inside, known for its sweet-tart flavor.

17. Pomegranate


A round, red fruit filled with small, juicy seeds inside that are sweet and tangy.

18. Avocado


A green, pear-shaped fruit with smooth skin and creamy flesh, often used in salads and sandwiches.

19. Papaya

A tropical fruit with orange flesh, black seeds, and a sweet, juicy flavor.

20. Raspberry


A small, red, or blackberry made up of many tiny juicy sections, sweet with a hint of tartness.

21. Blackberry


A dark purple or black berry is similar to a raspberry, with a sweet-tart flavor.

22. Coconut


A large, brown, hard-shelled fruit with sweet white flesh and water inside.

23. Grapefruit


A large, round citrus fruit with a yellow or pink rind and a tart, slightly bitter taste.

24. Tangerine

A small, orange citrus fruit similar to an orange, but smaller and sweeter.

25. Apricot


A small, orange fruit with smooth skin and a slightly sweet, tart flavor.

26. Fig

A small, pear-shaped fruit with soft skin and sweet, chewy flesh, often used in desserts.

27. Guava

A tropical fruit with green or yellow skin and sweet, pink, or white flesh inside.

28. Lychee


A small, round tropical fruit with a rough, pink outer skin and sweet, juicy flesh inside.

29. Passion Fruit

Passion Fruit

A small, round fruit with a tough outer skin and a juicy, seedy interior with a tangy flavor.

30. Dragon Fruit

Dragon Fruit

A bright pink or yellow fruit with white or red flesh and tiny black seeds, mildly sweet.

31. Durian

A large, spiky tropical fruit known for its strong smell and rich, creamy texture.

32. Cantaloupe


A type of melon with orange flesh and a sweet, refreshing flavor.

33. Honeydew


A type of melon with smooth, greenish skin and pale green flesh that’s sweet and juicy.

34. Starfruit


A yellow, star-shaped fruit with a sweet and tangy flavor, often used in salads.

35. Persimmon


A bright orange fruit with smooth skin and a sweet, honey-like flavor.

36. Cranberry


A small, red, tart berry often used in sauces and juices.

37. Mulberry


A small, dark purple or blackberry that grows on trees and has a sweet-tart taste.

38. Jackfruit


A large, tropical fruit with spiky skin and sweet, fibrous yellow flesh inside.

39. Gooseberry


A small, round fruit that can be green, red, or yellow, with a tart flavor.

40. Custard Apple

Custard Apple

A green, bumpy fruit with creamy, sweet flesh inside, often eaten with a spoon.

41. Quince


A yellow, pear-shaped fruit that has a tart flavor and is often used in cooking.

42. Soursop


A large, green fruit with spiky skin and soft, juicy, white flesh, often used in drinks and desserts.

43. Longan


A small, round, brown fruit with translucent white flesh and a sweet, mild flavor.

44. Mangosteen


A small, round fruit with thick, purple skin and sweet, juicy white flesh inside.

45. Rambutan


A small, round fruit with hairy red skin and sweet, juicy flesh similar to lychee.

46. Nectarine

Similar to a peach but with smooth skin and a slightly firmer texture.

47. Boysenberry


A large, juicy berry that is a cross between a raspberry, blackberry, and loganberry.

48. Loquat


A small, yellow, or orange fruit with sweet-tart flesh, often used in jams.

49. Kumquat

A tiny, oval citrus fruit that is eaten whole, with both sweet and tart flavors.

50. Pawpaw

A large, greenish-yellow fruit with soft, sweet, banana-like flesh inside.

Wrapping Up

These are the 50 fruit names in English. I hope this list has not only expanded your English vocabulary but also made you more confident when talking about fruits in everyday conversations. Fruits are such an important part of our lives, and now you can describe them with ease in English. Keep practicing these words, and soon you’ll be able to impress others with your knowledge.

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