Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense | Definition, Structure and Examples

Past Continuous Tense

Past Continuous Tense is usually placed when the action was continued in the past for some time. Past Continuous Tense takes ‘was’ or ‘were’ as its helping verbs. So when we describe an action that occurred in the past and continued for a short time, it’s called Past Continuous Tense. For example:

  • I was sitting at the table.
  • You were missing the exciting moments.
  • They were playing beautiful music.
  • He was recollecting his childhood days.
  • She was cooking delicious food.

Structure: Subject+ was/were+ Verb(+ing)+Object

Let’s have a look at the different forms of Past Continuous Tense:

Affirmative InterrogativeNegativeNegative Interrogative
I was catching fish in the pond.Was I catching fish in the pond?I was not catching fish in the pondWas I not catching fish in the pond?
We were walking in the street.Were we walking in the street?We were not walking in the street.Were we not walking in the street?
Sharif was taking a new step in his life.Was Sharif taking a new step in his life?Shariff was not taking a new step in his life.Was Sharif not taking a new step in his life?
They were playing baseball in the stadium.Were they playing baseball in the stadium?They were not playing baseball in the stadium.Were they not playing baseball in the stadium?
He was participating in the online class.Was he participating in the online class?He was not participating in the online class.Was he not participating in the online class?

Examples of Past Continuous Tense

Let us see some examples of Past Continuous Tense:

  • I was singing a song in the program.
  • He was going to the market.
  • She was entering the classroom.
  • You were missing the event.
  • We were enjoying a beautiful time in our childhood.
  • They were planning for new business.
  • Shireen was looking out the window.
  • Were you attending the wedding party?
  • He was not taking any cost from his parents.
  • My mom was going to meet my sister.
  • Were you looking for a job?
  • Were you not visiting the old house?
  • They were fishing in the sea.
  • We were enjoying an incredible moment.
  • Was she not going to the parlor?
  • He was making profits from his business.
  • The girls were dancing in the program.
  • He was walking in the field.
  • The farmers were harvesting paddy.
  • They were opening a new shop in the market.
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